Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Loneliness.... the positive aspects of it !

I never understood what it means to really feel lonely of course, till the time i stepped outside my home to a new city.

The Origin

Back at home, after my brother shifted to Assam around six to seven years back, I got the taste of loneliness for the first time in life. I admit that it was difficult initially. However, it gave me the opportunity to interact more closely with the rest of the people who were still residing in the family. It brought me closer to Baba, a person whom I cherish the most. 

Gradually, due to the ever changing relationship dynamics with my friends in college and all that, I started enjoying the old taste a little more day by day. However, on this ground, it is good to say that I already had a strategy which I had built for myself long back before this in order to combat occasional loneliness. I imagine people and situations around me as per my own convenience, with its own set of struggles and negativeness and positiveness and all that and believed it to be a real situation. You might call that a Subthreshold Psychosis or something similar (just kidding !) but this really helped me a lot during my difficult times to deal with that ever persisting loneliness. So I am thankful to let's say those imaginary companies. 

Since this blog was made by one of the closest person I have found in life with the idea of sharing our ways to combat loneliness, I shared the above phenomenon which has become a very integral part of me now that I have been doing it for years. However, it is an immatured coping strategy and so of course, no sane person would like to try it out I believe.

However, the best part of it is that I have realized that the feeling of loneliness can originate even in the midst of a 100 other people. Back at home, fortunately I always got someone or the other with whom I could relate myself with. Hence, they call home as a comfort zone. So the loneliness can arise when one does not get people to relate themselves with. 

So when you need to find out new people at 24 years of age with whom you can relate to, you can never expect them to be a handful. Consider yourself truly blessed even if you find a single person and a queen if you find two.

Oh ! I sound needy. Well I am so. That's a very weak point I have. Believe me, I am trying my best to work upon it here and fortunately I get ample opportunity to do so. 

Ok, now the most positive aspect of it. 

 You get to focus upon yourself. You get the opportunity to make yourself grow and improve as a person by engaging into meaningful activities like let's say good reading, for example. You get to re-discover yourself in a new light. You get to know what truly makes you happy. You get to know your choices, sense of belongingness, the unfound love that you forever had within you for yourself. You learn how to indulge yourself into things you that gives you the peace you have been searching for all these while. You learn how to develop yourself into a whole new independent being. 

And that's very important ! And you don't really think of doing that unless you find yourself standing under the blue sky all by yourself ! And unless, you do this you never grow up as a person. 

Unless you do this, you never really get to know yourself in the best light for You. And that in a way increases your self-esteem.

Unless you do this, you forever keep on wondering why you are so much in a state of dissatisfaction. 

Unless you do this, you never get a chance to realize the limits of your potential even if you have found the area of excellence for yourself. 

And you remain incomplete forever unless you have felt lonely at some point of time in life, irrespective of whether you have realized it or not. 

Hence, I have decided to put this to good use. Its an opportunity you get at certain periods of time in life. And no matter, how much never-ending they seem to be, they do end sooner or later. Till that time, I have decided to put it to good use for my personal growth. And fill up that Lakanian hole.


  1. Replies
    1. Adult conversation . Need not be good or bad, surely necessary . Thanks for giving, I mean sharing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. _you get the opportunity to make yourself grow and improve as a person by engaging into meaningful activities like let's say good reading, for example._

    In my personal experience, however, I've always been more productive in good company than alone. Be it friends who have had me read books, a teacher who has MADE me listen to new bands, band practices which have forced me to be much better or plain and simple study groups where the company has led me to question the way I understand things rather than merely be complacent.
    For example, I read up about Lacan just now, which I wouldn't have today unless I had read what you've written.

    1. I, myself, will have to read more about Lacan :D


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